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ibs diets

Diet can play a huge part in irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Many sufferers find that they have a particularly bad attack when they eat one of their trigger foods. Some of the most common trigger foods include wheat and/or gluten, caffeine-containing products such as coffee and tea, artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol and aspartame, and citrus fruits.

The Eating for IBS diet designed by Heather Van Vorous is also very popular, and some sufferers use exclusion diets to cut out foods one by one, introducing them back into their diet slowly to test their reactions.

IBS Diet Plans

Eating for IBS diet
Heather Van Vorous' diet plan, which is based on soluble fiber. The diet is explained in detail in her book Eating for IBS.

Exclusion diets

General exclusion diet
Cutting out different foods or groups of foods to try to identify triggers.

Dairy-free diet
Avoiding all dairy products such as milk, cheese and cream.

Low fodmap diet
Designed to reduce fermentable carbohydates found in foods such as wheat, onions and garlic.

Gluten-free diet
Cutting out all gluten, which is found in wheat, oats, barley and rye. Remember that gluten-free ALSO means wheat-free.

Wheat-free diet
Cutting out all wheat-containing products such as bread and pasta. Remember that wheat-free does NOT mean gluten-free.

ELISA test diet
The ELISA blood test is offered by several companies and leads to an individualized exclusion diet.